We would like to thank WSCC for hosting our Sophomore class today!!

-Tomorrow the juniors will take the ACT. Please make sure that your junior has plenty of rest and gets something to eat tomorrow morning before school. It is also imperative that all juniors are on time for testing.
-Sophomores will be attending a preview day at WSCC tomorrow

It's a beautiful day for some Bronco golf. IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!

-Boys Golf @ Cross Creek
-SB v. JB Pennington
-ACT Day
-Golf @ Cross Creek
-BB @ Oneonta
-SB @ Hanceville
-Girls Golf @ Cross Creek
-Archery Regionals
-BB v. Meek
-SB v. Cold Springs
-Archery Regionals
-BB @ Susan Moore

-Boys Golf @ Cross Creek
-SB v. JB Pennington
-ACT Day
-Golf @ Cross Creek
-BB @ Oneonta
-SB @ Hanceville
-Girls Golf @ Cross Creek
-Archery Regionals
-BB v. Meek
-SB v. Cold Springs
-Archery Regionals
-BB @ Susan Moore

Cool opportunity to serve!

Good Luck to the Bronco Band as they Travel to UNA today for MPA! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!

The 2025 ACT Boot Camp is in the books!! Thank you to our sponsors and Mastery Prep! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!

We would like to thank Heath Allbright for donating breakfast for our Junior class today! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!

The 2025 ACT Boot Camp is ready for our Juniors! Thank you sponsors for helping make this day possible! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!

All HPHS Juniors will attend the annual ACT Boot Camp tomorrow from 8:00-3:00. All Day Attendance to this event is mandatory for all Juniors. All Juniors who coop or go to CATA will stay on campus rather than leaving. Breakfast and lunch will be provided by sponsors and multiple door prizes will also be given away throughout the day.

Attached below is the information on our Velcro Pygmies concert that our event planning class is hosting. IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!

Cohen Gurganus recently represented HPHS at the Capstone Leadership Academy. IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!

-Congratulations to Travis Barnett for earning a spot in the AHSAA All Star Week Cross Country Meet! -Congratulations for Audrey Blocker on winning the electric guitar at the end of the ImagineX Career Fair -ALL 11th grade virtual and Fast Track students should report to the campus Monday, March 3rd to fill out the demographic section of their ACT answer documents. -ALL 11th grade students, including Virtual and Fast Track Students, need to make plans to be on campus Tuesday, March 11th to take the ACT. Please do not be late that day. 3/3-BB v. Vinemont 3/4-BB @ Vinemont -SB v. Vinemont 3/5 -ACT Boot Camp (All Juniors need to be at school that morning at 8:00. This includes all Fast Track, Virtual, and other off campus Juniors) 3/6 -SB @ Pennington 3/7 -BB @ Asbury -End of the Third Nine Weeks 3/8 -BB @ Appalachian

Yearbook information

Important ACT Information

Congratulations to Travis Barnett for being selected to compete in the AHSAA All Star Sports Week Cross Country Race! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!

Congratulations to Audrey Blocker on winning the electric guitar donated to HPHS by #reachandteach!! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!

ImagineX was on fire today at HPHS! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!