Thank you to the band boosters who took our hospitality room to a whole new level last night. IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!
Mrs. Laney's class with their To Kill a Mockingbird projects.
Saturday morning
Senior night tomorrow night!
The varsity ladies win the first game against Pennington!
Don't forget, Herf Jones is here this morning taking senior orders in the library!
Our monthly award winners are now on display for everyone to see as they enter our lobby. IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!
We would like to congratulate Miss Alivia Farr for winning Miss Congeniality at the 2023 Fair Pageant!!
We would like to wish Miss Alivia Farr good luck as she competes in the Cullman County Fair Pageant tonight!!
Congratulations to Alana Saldana Orona for being crowned HPHS 2023 Homecoming Queen
Congratulations to the following Monthly Winners:
-Lesson of the Month- Coach Hartline
-Staff Member of the Month- Mr. Porter
-Senior Student of the Month- Jayden Holloway
-Junior Student of the Month- Lana Todd
-Sophomore Student of the Month- Blakely Baggett
-Freshman Student of the Month- Cohen Gurganus
10/9-10/10 Fall Break
10/10- Fair Queen Pageant
10/12- VB @ Hanceville
10/13- Last Day of the First Nine Weeks
10/13- FB v. West End
10/14- Band Competition @ West End
10/14- Cross Country @ Point Mallard
Congratulations to Alana Saldana Orona for being crowned the 2023 HPHS Homecoming Queen!!
Congratulations to the following monthly winners:
Lesson of the Month- Mrs. Hartline
Staff of the Month- Mr. Porter
Senior Student- Jayden Holloway
Junior Student- Lana Todd
Sophomore Student- Blakely Baggett
Freshman Student- Cohen Gurganus
HPHS would like to thank HPHS alum Dylan Basenburg of NextHome Realty for sponsoring the hospitality room tonight!
Meat purchased from HP alum “The Butcher”
Kettle Corn donated from 4D Farms
2023 HOCO Parade
School pride day!! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!
We are extremely proud of this group and the way they represented our school yesterday at the ORI/WKO class. This group earned their first credential yesterday which will be a graduation requirement for them!!!
Barbie and Ken Day
We would like to thank WSCC for their partnership with Cullman County Schools. Today the freshman classes from Holly Pond and Fairview are on campus attending the ORI/WKO course. IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A BRONCO!!
In an absolutely epic game our Varsity ladies fall to top ranked Fairview in 5 sets.