The Homecoming crowning will be between the JVB's and VG's game. First game begins at 4:00 so plan accordingly if you want to see the crowning of our King and Queen.
Homecoming Court and Escorts please be at the school by 5:00. Photographer will be here at 5:00 for anyone interested in getting pictures made separately or with escort. She will be taking pictures of the court during Homecoming as well. all homecoming court and escorts need to be in the lobby of the gym lined up with 2 minutes left at the end of the JV Boys game.
Bronco Stampede Shootout Activities:
*For EVERY THREE POINT scored in the VG's and VB's game, we will throw out a basketball - so come participate in the fun by standing and supporting our three pointers!
*For EVERY POINT that is scored in the VG's and VB's game, Brighton Forestry Services will donate $10 to the school, Mr. Morris Williams will also donate $5 , and an anonymous donation of $1 per point by HP has been placed! Anyone else that would like to donate in the fun can see Mr. Edmondson or myself at the game.
Everyone wear your HP gear and your favorite Cowboy Hat to the game for our Bronco Stampede Shootout!
All HPHS students get in FREE

Cullman County Schools will transition to remote learning Thursday 1/20 and Friday 1/21. At this time, we plan to return to in-classroom instruction on Monday, 1/24.
Statement from Dr. Barnette, Cullman County School Superintendent
"I had hoped the numbers would get better this week, but unfortunately, we have a lot of students and staff out today. We've been strategic, shifting staff from other schools and the Central Office to cover absences with a goal of sustaining in-person learning, but we have reached a point that we need to transition to remote learning. With that in mind, along with the potential for winter weather Thursday and Friday, all Cullman County Schools will be operating remotely the rest of the week. Your child will be sent home with work for the next two days. Weather permitting, faculty and staff who are healthy will be on campus and able to assist your child digitally. Please know that I firmly believe that there is no equivalent substitute for in-person learning. I want our children in the classroom. I hope we will see improvement by next week."

Cullman County Schools will transition to remote learning Thursday 1/20 and Friday 1/21. At this time, we plan to return to in-classroom instruction on Monday, 1/24.
Statement from Dr. Barnette, Cullman County School Superintendent:
"I had hoped the numbers would get better this week, but unfortunately, we have a lot of students and staff out today. We've been strategic, shifting staff from other schools and the Central Office to cover absences with a goal of sustaining in-person learning, but we have reached a point that we need to transition to remote learning. With that in mind, along with the potential for winter weather Thursday and Friday, all Cullman County Schools will be operating remotely the rest of the week. Your child will be sent home with work for the next two days. Weather permitting, faculty and staff who are healthy will be on campus and able to assist your child digitally. Please know that I firmly believe that there is no equivalent substitute for in-person learning. I want our children in the classroom. I hope we will see improvement by next week."

Varsity and Junior High Baseball Parents and players don’t forget about the workday tomorrow 9:00 am. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
We will be getting the infield dirt ready, putting up signs, various cleaning projects and getting the concession stand ready for our season.
Also player fees are due. You can turn those in to any of the Diamond Club officers.
Looking forward to an awesome baseball season. Go Broncos!!!

Cullman County Schools will operate remotely on Friday 1/14/22. The decision to hold classes remotely is due primarily to the number of teachers and staff who are sick. After-school events will be allowed to continue because this dismissal is due to not having enough teachers and staff to operate during the school day.
Teachers and staff who are not sick will still report to work tomorrow.

Announcements for Wednesday 1/12/22
Today Anna Walton admissions counselor of UA is scheduled to speak to students at 11:30am. "Univ. of Alabama Interest Meeting"
Tomorrow's ballgame is a home game. All HP students with A's & B's will get in FREE!! Come pack the Student Section!! GO BRONCOS!!
Seniors c/o of 2022 improved FAFSA completion rate by 10% and our school received the best hustle award!
Don't get flocked - new fundraiser for baseball going on now. See any baseball player
*Softball is selling candy bars - please support them if you can.
*Jazz and Red Velvet - Feb 4th at StoneBridge See any Band Member for tickets. Please support our band.
School is dismissed for MLK Holiday next Monday, January 17.
The basketball homecoming game is Thursday, January 20th. All HP students get in FREE
Basketball Homecoming week dress up days are:
Tuesday: Monochrome Day
Wednesday: Dress to impress/ Teacher Day
Thursday: School Spirit/Jersey Day
Friday: Anything but a Backpack Day
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office.
Report Cards are pushed back and will go home on January 20th.
Basketball Senior night - February 1st
Anyone interested in signing up for Archery see Mr. Russell
Anyone interested in signing up for Track see Coach Walker.
Baseball practice starts Thursday. Varsity @ 5:30 JH @ 6:30. Bring your gear.
Baseball work day this Saturday @ 9:00am
The pageant and Fair Queen pageant will be March 25th at 7PM.
The Prom will be on April 9th for juniors and seniors. More details coming soon.
If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh. No crop tops or ripped jeans above knee.
Students who drive, when you arrive at the school parking lot, you must come directly into the building. You are not to linger at the cars or leave campus without permission.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Bells are now working correctly and teachers are taking attendance and tardies. 5 tardies will result in morning detention @ 7:10 am.
Cafeteria Menu
The lunch menu is taco salad, corn on the cob, pinto beans, and fruit.

It's time to get your game shirt on! The HPHS games tonight against Susan Moore will be played as scheduled. Students find your Green POND PEOPLE shirt and wear it tonight to get in FREE! Sit in the Student Section!! It is an area game and we would love to have a BIG crowd! #BRONCOSTRONG Let's Go Broncos!!!

We will be out of school tomorrow due to the weather. Students need to check their Google Classroom, email, and/or Schoology for classroom assignments. Parents, please remind your students that they will have assignments from their teachers that are required.
Be SAFE!! See you hopefully on MONDAY!

Cullman County Schools will have a remote learning day Friday 1/7 due to the weather. Teachers will provide students with either a digital or paper assignment to be completed. Everyone stay safe.

Thursday 1/6/22
SGA members see Mrs. Barnett to sign up for concessions for Friday’s basketball game against Susan Moore
High School Scholars Bowl team needs to see Mr. Williams at break.
If you plan to participate in Archery , see Mr. Russel at break
Mr. Rodens AG class will meet in Mrs. Alldredge’s room all day today.
Hoco will be January 20th between the JV boys game and V girls game. All students get in free.
Basketball Senior Night will be Feb. 1st at halftime. All seniors will get in free.
The pageant and Fair Queen pageant will be March 25th at 7PM.
The Prom will be on April 9th for juniors and seniors. More details coming soon.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Students who drive, when you arrive at the school parking lot, you must come directly into the building. You are not to linger at the cars or leave campus without permission.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning. Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
Cafeteria Menu
The lunch menu is baked chicken or meatloaf, green beans, cream potatoes, rolls, and fruit.

After reviewing the latest National Weather Service update, Cullman County Schools will continue with the 2-hour delay today, Thursday 1/6. Campuses will be open and buses will run 2 hours behind their normal schedule.

Cullman County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay on Thursday, January 6, 2022. Buses will run two hours late. Employees, please report two hours later than your normally scheduled time.

Wednesday 1/5/22
Congratulations to Dawson Simmons for placing 10th in the Math Tournament before we got out for Christmas Break.
All SGA members need to see Mrs. Barnett today. We are in charge of the concession stand on Friday Night!
Congratulations to the basketball teams for defeating J.B. Pennington last night.
Bells are now working correctly and teachers are taking attendance and tardies. 5 tardies will result in morning detention @ 7:10 am.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh. No crop tops or ripped jeans above knee.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
Students who drive, when you arrive at the school parking lot, you must come directly into the building. You are not to linger at the cars or leave campus without permission.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year.

Christmas Dress Up Days for next week: December 13-17
Monday: Holiday hat/headband day
Tuesday: Whoville Character day
Wednesday: Elf day
Thursday: Ugly Christmas Sweater day
Friday: Polar Express day - wear your pajamas

Wednesday 12/8/21
The HPHS Band will present their Christmas Concert this Friday evening, December 10th, in the New Gym beginning at 6:30. Everyone is invited to attend. They have worked so hard to provide you with some Christmas songs to help get you in the holiday spirit. We hope you can come support our Bronco Band!
Seniors, the Cullman Electric Scholarship is available. Please see Mrs. Grochowalski during student connect to work on scholarships.
SGA Meeting on Thursday @ 11:30 in Barnett's room to discuss Basketball Homecoming.
This week is the last week to bring in items for the Food Drive. All items are due by Friday.
Key Club members, please remember all items for the Christmas help are due Friday.
LifeSouth Blood Drive will be this Friday. Please see Mrs. Alldredge to sign up to donate if you are a student. You must be at least 16 years old and 110lbs.
If anyone has borrowed a computer from any teacher, they need to be returned today!
Seniors, remember if you have 4 donations or 4 people donate in your name-you will get a cord for graduation. See Mrs. Alldredge for details
ACT Prep this afternoon in Mrs. Sullivan's room.
If you need a graphing calculator for the ACT this Saturday, see Mrs. Sullivan
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office.
HP Basketball Season Passes are on sale in the office for $60.00
Just a reminder to bring your Christmas ornaments!
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
Cafeteria Menu
The lunch menu is chicken fajita or taco salad, Mexican rice, pinto beans, and fruit.

We will be having a Basketball Homecoming in January! Yeah....more information to come later.
*Christmas dress up days are as follows:
Monday, Dec. 13th--Holiday hats, Santa hats, and/or Christmas headbands
Tuesday, Dec. 14th--Grinch Day-Whoville Characters
Wednesday, Dec. 15--the Elf Day
Thursday, Dec. 16--Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Friday, Dec. 17--Polar Express-PJ Day (dress code!)
Monday, Dec. 20th--Christmas colors/Christmas Socks
Tuesday, Dec. 21st--Christmas Carolers/Christmas shirts (Dismiss at 1:00)
*And most importantly!!!
Semester Tests are on:
December 16 for periods 1,3,5 & 7
December 17th for periods 2,4 & 6
Make up days are December 20th and 21st. Students who have missing assignments or are truant/used all parents notes are required to come on these two days!

Fun! Fun! Fun!
For every THREE POINT shot made tonight by our Broncos during the VG or VB's game, we will be throwing out a FREE HPHS PRIDE shirt into the crowd. Good Luck everyone!......Get those three point shots going. We want a BIG WIN TONIGHT!!
Everyone come out and support our Broncos tonight against Brindlee Mt.

Friday 12/3/21
Basketball plays at home tonight starting at 4:00. Come pack the Stands!
Good Luck tomorrow to Christopher Putman, Joshua Putman, Matthew Putman, Travis Barnett, and Kohl Horton. They will be running in the Garmin Running Lane Championship in Huntsville.
If anyone has borrowed a computer from any teacher, they need to be returned today!
The Food Drive is now running, please talk to your teachers about what incentives they are offering for the teacher with the most items.
HP Basketball Season Passes are on sale in the office for $60.00
Our Band will be in two Christmas parades this week. Friday night at Christmas in Cullman and Saturday the annual Cullman Christmas Parade.
*The Band will play for the HP Governor's Park tree lighting at 6:00 Saturday night. Please come out and support them.
*The Band will be having a Christmas Concert on December 10th in the gym. We are super excited about this event!
*Blood Drive at HP on December 10th
*With a 25% INCREASE in completed assignments this week all 9-12 grade students will get in the basketball game FREE Friday night.
Just a reminder to bring your Christmas ornaments!
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year.
Christmas in the Park is this Saturday from 5:00 - 7:00.
Thank you to all of the volunteers helping to transform the Band room with some MUCH NEEDED upgrades!! A special thank you to our board member, Mr. Heath Allbright!
Cafeteria Menu
The lunch menu is pizza or fish sandwich, tossed salad, corn, cookie, and fruit.

Wednesday 11/17/21
Makeup pictures will be tomorrow
Progress Reports go home on Thursday.
Thanksgiving Break is November 22 - November 26.
Any male student that is interested in doing the after school weight lifting program, be at the field house today by 3:15.
The girls basketball team is in charge of the concession stand on Friday.
The Food Drive is now running, please talk to your teachers about what incentives they are offering for the teacher with the most items.
If you have not paid your Key Club dues, they are due by Friday
HP Basketball Season Passes are on sale in the office for $60.00
Just a reminder to bring your Christmas ornaments!
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office.
Cafeteria Menu
The lunch menu is chilli with grilled cheese, crackers, baked potato, sweet potato fries, salad, and fruit.

Tuesday 11/16/21
Picture Re take day will be Thursday
The Geometry Team will meet in Mrs. Sellers room during Student Connect today.
HP Basketball Season Passes are on sale in the office for $60.00
Just a reminder to bring your Christmas ornaments!
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
Progress Reports go home on Thursday.
Thanksgiving Break is November 22 - November 26.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office.