Tuesday 11/9/21
The dual enrollment scholarship for math and science class is due today. Turn your forms into Mrs. G.
The Geometry Team will meet in Mrs. Sellers room during Student Connect today.
Save your money for a coin drop this week, proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project. Today is the last day.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
*The game tonight is postponed until Friday. We will play at West Point on Friday night. The Good Hope game is delayed due to their football playoff games.
*Our Veteran's Day program is tomorrow morning at 9:00 - everyone is invited. It will be on the football field. There will be a breakfast for all veterans at 8 in the old gym. Parents, you will not have to sign in at the office if you are not entering the building. If you decide to check out your child, you will need to check them out in the front office. Students will report to their first period class as usual. Wear RED, WHITE, & BLUE if you can. :)
* It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎄🎄Ok …well maybe not yet…but…HPHS will be decorating a school wide 🎄 tree this year. We would like every student to bring their favorite ornament to add to our HPHS Christmas tree. Bring in your favorite ornament, put your name on it and ‘2021’. You can get the ornament back at Christmas break or donate it so we can use it each year for years to come! You can bring the ornament to the office or Dr. Turner’s office anytime. Also in need of strands of green Christmas lights. 🎄🎄 Let’s make it ‘begin to look a lot like Christmas’ at HPHS 💚💛💚
*HP Basketball Season Passes are on sale in the office for $60.00; Student passes are $10
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
Cafeteria Menu
The lunch menu is chicken or steak nuggets, creamed potatoes, green peas, roll, and fruit.
The supper menu is chicken bites, a waffle or biscuit, hash browns, and fruit.
I hope you have a WONDERFUL DAY!! Go BRONCOS!

Thursday 11/4/21
Everyone please wear your Pond People shirts tomorrow to support the Cheerleaders and Cross Country.
Save your money for a coin drop this week, proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project. SGA will be collecting money all week this week.
HP Basketball Season Passes are on sale in the office for $60.00
Key Club is selling Children’s Hospital shirts for $15.00. Please see any Key Club member to order by November 17th.
The Veterans Day program will be November 10 at 9 on the Holly Pond Football field. There will be a breakfast for all veterans at 8 in the old gym.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
Cafeteria Menu
The lunch menu meatball sub sandwich, cheese sticks, green beans, raw veggies with ranch, and fruit.
The supper menu is a hotdog, beans, chips, and fruit.

Don't forget-Seniors: Herff Jones is taking orders on today, November 4th at 7am in the lunchroom to order your cap and gown, invitations and more!!

Monday 11/1/21
Save your money for a coin drop this week, proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project. SGA will be collecting money all week next week.
Key Club is selling Children’s Hospital shirts for $15.00. Please see any Key Club member to order by November 17th.
The Veterans Day program will be November 10 at 9 on the Holly Pond Football field. There will be a breakfast for all veterans at 8 in the old gym.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
Basketball season passes are on sale in the office for $60. This gets you into all regular season home games including the TG Tournament.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office.

Friday 10/29/21
Congratulations to the Cross Country Team. The boys placed 2nd overall and the girls placed 3rd overall in sectionals yesterday at White Plains. They will be competing in State next Saturday.
Tonight's football game is at Home against the Aggies. Come support your Broncos.
Pep Rally will be today at 2:35 in the New Gym.
Good Luck to our Cheerleaders on Monday for the Regional Competition.
Save your money for a coin drop next week, proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project. SGA will be collecting money all week next week.
Anyone who made a pumpkin, please pick them up today in the library.
Key Club is selling Children’s Hospital shirts for $15.00. Please see any Key Club member to order by November 17th.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office.
The Veterans Day program will be November 10 at 9 on the Holly Pond Football field. There will be a breakfast for all veterans at 8 in the old gym.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.

For clarification Friday in the High School is Super Hero/Hero Day, Not Costume Day
All Kids is insurance based on income for children 19 or younger. Click the link for more info. https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/allkids/index.html
WSCC is offering a free college class to our students who still need their CCR. The class is called ORI 106 for 1 credit. The class covers career exploration and students will also experience blackboard and what it's like to take a college course. WSCC will host a class session for students in person two times, once in November and once in December. Please ask your student to turn in their dual enrollment permission form.
Tomorrow the Cross Country team will participate in sectionals at White Plains.
Pumpkins are due tomorrow morning in the Library for the Pumpkin Contest.
Key Club is selling Children’s Hospital shirts for $15.00. Please see any Key Club member to order by November 17th.
The Key Club Art Pumpkin contest will be Oct. 28 and 29. Please have all pumpkins in the library by the morning of the 28th.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office.
The Veterans Day program will be November 10 at 9 on the Holly Pond Football field. There will be a breakfast for all veterans at 8 in the old gym.
The Bronco Band received superior and excellent ratings at the Mud Creek Band Festival on Saturday. Way to go Broncos!
The WSCC STEM Dual Enrollment Scholarship application deadline for Spring 2022 courses is Tuesday November 9, 2021 @ 4:00 PM. The completed scholarship application should be emailed to Stacey Sivley (stacey.sivley@wallacestate.edu) Link to application in your student's email.
Today’s lunch will be chili, grilled cheese and oven potatoes.
Tomorrow we will have Quesadilla and Mexican Pizza with rice and Pinto beans.

Wednesday 10/20/21
Seniors, please sign up for a FASFA appointment for Friday if you have not done so.
October 25, 2021 - FAFSA help at WSCC Hanceville, AL FAFSA Night Schedule Wallace State Community College No sign up needed. Bring 2020 tax information. Hanceville Campus- James Bailey Center 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Key Club is selling Children’s Hospital shirts for $15.00. Please see any Key Club member to order by November 17th.
The Key Club Art Pumpkin contest will be Oct. 28 and 29. Please have all pumpkins in the library by the morning of the 28th.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
Friday is Camo Day.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year.
The Veterans Day program will be November 10 at 9 on the Holly Pond Football field. There will be a breakfast for all veterans at 8 in the old gym.
Herff Jones will be here on Thursday, Nov. 4th at 7am in the lunchroom to take orders for cap/gowns and senior graduation products. Mrs. Thompson has extra catalogs & order forms.
College Application Week is October 18-22.
The varsity football team will play Vinemont this Friday at Vinemont. Wear camo to support your Broncos!
The cross country team has a county meet tomorrow at Fairview.
Please come and enjoy the 2nd Annual HPHS Baseball sponsored CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT this Saturday.

Holly Pond High School Baseball is hosting it's 2nd annual Cornhole Tournament on Saturday October 23rd @ 11:00am

Thursday 10/14/21
Volleyball plays the area tournament at Susan Moore at 5:30
Friday is Country/Western Day.
Senior Yearbook ads are on sale until tomorrow. See Mrs. Laney
SGA has the concession stand to work tomorrow night. See Mrs. Barnett to sign up to work a shift.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
We will be offering Ice Cream soon in the break stand......Ice Cream Sandwiches and Strawberry Shortcake Bars won the survey (Snickers came in a very close third place) :)
KONA ICE will here tomorrow around 1:30.
Tomorrow morning - order cap & gowns. Oct. 15th 7:45am in the lunchroom
There are still LOTS of tests to be made up by students. If you have a test to be made up you can come to my office to take it today BEFORE 1:00 or afters chool today in Mrs. Thompson's room. (if you have free time in a class)
CHECK WITH YOUR TEACHERS TO SEE WHAT YOU NEED TO MAKE UP. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND THE ACADEMIC FIELD DAY IF YOU HAVE ASSIGNMENTS/TEST TO BE COMPLETED. This is to reward those who have worked diligently to keep up with their work durinig this nine weeks.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office during your PE class.
The Veterans Day program will be November 10 at 9 on the Holly Pond Football field. There will be a breakfast for all veterans at 8 in the old gym.
The middle school football playoff consolation game will be TODAY at home against Hanceville. The game will start at 6. CCBOE badges will not allow entry. Tickets are available through GoFan.
Cafeteria Menu
Today’s lunch will be baked chicken, creamed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and fruit.
The supper menu is a cheese quesadilla, pinto beans, salsa, and fruit.

Tomorrow is PINK OUT as we support finding a cure for ALL types of Cancer! Wear PINK. We are still collecting for the Care Package to support one of our own who is battling some medical issues. If you want to drop a card or something, please see Mrs. Barnett.
TUTORING begins tomorrow. It will be tomorrow and Thursday of this week beginning at 3:00 - see Mrs. Thompson. If you want to make up a test or stay after @ 3:00 to make up assignments see me.
ACADEMIC FIELD DAY!!! FRIDAY BEGINNING AT 12:00. (HP CNP will provide Sack Lunches) BRING GAMES THAT YOU WANT TO PLAY, CORN HOLE, VOLLEYBALL, GUITAR, SOMETHING TO SIT ON, SNACKS, ETC....IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED ALL OF YOUR ASSIGNMENTS AND TESTS THIS 9 WEEKS YOU CAN PARTICIPATE. If not, you will stay on your regular schedule with your teachers. Bring money in case Kona Ice can arrange their schedule for us!!
The Area Volleyball Tournament is Thursday @ Susan Moore.

THANK YOU to Rep. Randall Shedd for donating $5,000 in state funds to each Cullman County band program in his district: Fairview, Holly Pond, Hanceville, and Vinemont. The funds will go to much-needed band supplies, including instruments for students who cannot afford them.

Cullman County Schools will delay opening by 2 hours today due to flooding, Thursday 10/7/21. 12-month employees report at regular time.

Cullman County Schools will delay opening by 2 hours today due to flooding, Thursday 10/7/21. 12-month employees report at regular time.

Wednesday 10/6/21
Mrs. Barnett has extra Junior and Sophomore class shirts available.
SGA please bring your care package items to Mrs. Barnett by Friday.
Mrs. Barnett has 7 juniors, 3 sophomore class shirts left.
We will be Testing today.
Senior Yearbook ads are on sale. See Mrs. Laney
Yearbooks are on sale for $40.00. See Mrs. Laney
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
The Veterans Day program will be November 10 at 9 on the Holly Pond Football field. There will be a breakfast for all veterans at 8 in the old gym.
The cross country team has a meet at Fairview on Thursday, October 7.
The varsity football team will play Winfield this Friday, October 8.
Fall Break for students will be Friday, Monday, & Tuesday, October 8-12.
Taylor Simmons will represent us at the Cullman County Fair next week- Please come out and show your support for her and our school!
PINK OUT Friday night Student Section AND OCTOBER 13th (CANCER AWARENESS DAY at HPHS)Teachers will have Professional Development at school.
Cafeteria Menu
Today’s lunch will be a chicken sandwich, potato wedges, baked beans and coleslaw.
The supper menu is a cheeseburger, corn on the cob, fruit, and milk.

Friday 10/1/21
Congratulations to Kaylee Rohrscheib and Abbey Jones for receiving All County recognition at the Cullman County Tournament
Mrs. Barnett has extra Junior and Sophomore class shirts available.
Any Key Club member who can volunteer to help with the Youth Volleyball Tournament tomorrow, please see Mrs. Alldredge. This is a service hour activity.
Softball will have a mandatory parent/player meeting on Sunday, October 3rd at 2:00 in the Library.
Picture Day will be October 5th
Testing Day will be October 6th
Senior Yearbook ads are on sale. See Mrs. Laney
Yearbooks are on sale for $40.00. See Mrs. Laney
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
Students are supposed to bring their Chromebooks charged and ready for class everyday. Make sure you come to class prepared.
Students must park in their designated parking spot only. If you have not purchased a parking pass, you are not allowed to park on campus.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year.
The cross country team has a meet at Fairview on Thursday, October 7.
The 22-23 FAFSA application opens on October 1. Please complete the application by October 8th. (2020 tax return info)

Tuesday 9/28/21
SGA has the concession stand Friday night. See Mrs. Barnett to sign up for your shift.
Friday is Neon Day.
Mrs. Barnett has extra Junior and Sophomore class shirts available.
Senior Yearbook ads are on sale. See Mrs. Laney
Yearbooks are on sale for $40.00. See Mrs. Laney
Any returning or new Key Club member, dues of $21.00 are due by September 30th. Please get these paid ASAP.
SGA fees are $20.00. These are due by September 30th.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
REMINDER- all bus riders are required to wear a mask while on the school bus.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
The middle school football team will play against Vinemont TODAY at home. The game starts at 5. The JV football team will play following the middle school game.
*MISSING ASSIGNMENTS: The 1st Nine Weeks ends in a couple of weeks. ALL Missed Assignments and test should be completed ASAP. Some of you have several so it will take some extra effort to get those completed. Make up tests are done every Tuesday and Thursday. Don't forget!
Congratulations to Lexi Smith.....she is 2nd in the World! She won State Champion with her horse The Master Switch 3 years in a row!!
ACT Information - Registration Deadline Oct. 1st for next test opportunity
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.

Thursday 9/23/21
Taylor Simmons will be selling shirts for Fair Queen. Come by the office to see an example.
Varsity Volleyball will play today @ Susan Moore
The cross country team has a meet on Saturday, September 25th at Cold Springs.
Senior Yearbook ads are on sale. See Mrs. Laney
Yearbooks are on sale for $40.00. See Mrs. Laney
Tomorrow is the last day to go to Sullivans to pick out your drape or tux picture for the yearbook.
Any returning or new Key Club member, dues of $21.00 are due by September 30th. Please get these paid ASAP.
SGA fees are $20.00. These are due by September 30th.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
REMINDER- all bus riders are required to wear a mask while on the school bus.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Students please bring your Chromebooks and make sure it is charged daily.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year. They are available for purchases in the office
The flu vaccine clinic is September 28th and if they want a flu shot they will need to bring their forms back filled out and signed by a parent.
Cafeteria Menu
Today’s lunch will be a Z Rib sandwich or salisbury steak, creamed potatoes, green peas, and roll.
Tomorrow’s breakfast will be chicken biscuit, cereal or poptart

Soon it will be cold, and now is the time to order a letter jacket that will last for years to come! All kinds of activity patches are available including athletics, band, cheer, and academics. Information packets are in the front office and I have attached the catalog and order form for viewing.
Order date is Thursday, September 23rd, 7am, library
$100 deposit required
Sizing will take place
Need order form filled out
Representative can help fill out order form if needed

Monday 9/20/21
Congratulations to the Cross Country team. The girls placed 3rd overall. Caroline Lamoureux placed 11th, Blakely Baggett 12th. The boys placed 4th overall. Christopher Putman placed 4th, Travis Barnett places 5th, and Joshua Putman placed 20th.
Taylor Simmons will be selling shirts for Fair Queen. Come by the office to see an example.
Any returning or new Key Club member, dues of $21.00 are due by September 30th. Please get these paid ASAP.
SGA fees are $20.00. These are due by September 30th.
Teachers please remember to have your trash out by 1:15 every afternoon.
REMINDER- all bus riders are required to wear a mask while on the school bus.
Teachers please check dress code daily. If you are wearing tights/leggings, your shirt must come to mid thigh.
Cell phones are to be turned off in your locker or your vehicle. They are not allowed in school.
If you have a doctor's excuse or a parent note, be sure to bring it to the office first thing in the morning.
Student Athletic Passes are on sale for $10. The pass allows you to get into all home sporting events throughout the year.
The cross country team has a meet on Saturday, September 25th at Cold Springs.
Tomorrow’s breakfast will be a gravy biscuit, poptarts, or cereal.
Wallace State Community College in Hanceville, AL is hosting a college fair on Monday, September 20th from 5:30 pm- 7:30 pm in the Tom Drake Coliseum. There will be college and university representatives from across the southeast present.

Due to threat of inclement weather, tonight's Homecoming Festivities will take place in the New Gym at 6:00pm before the game. Please spread the word. There will not be a parade of the attendants today, due to weather. However, we would love for you to come to the gym to watch the crowning of our new queen.